When granite is done right
We are a respected granite producer, known for the fact that the quality we promise is the quality that our customer gets. We are able to ensure this with solid, decades-long professionalism. Palin’s granite is a great choice for interior and exterior surfaces, from private homes to public projects. Finnish stone, quarried with professional skills and experience, withstands hot pans on kitchen worktops and every wind and weather outdoors. Our granite is excellently suited for varying climates and multiple uses.
With decades of expertise
Granite is a natural material that takes years to master. The trained human eye is still the best tool for inspecting stone quality, no machine can do it. Each of our granite blocks are inspected manually. Our experienced stonemen classify the stones into the correct quality and color categories by means of inspection with decades of experience.
Although Finnish granite is suitable for a wide range of projects, each quality has its own best use, and we are happy to help you find the perfect stone for your project. When you get granite from us, you know where it comes from and how it is produced, as each of our stones is completely retraceable to our quarries. In case you have questions regarding the best granite for your project, don’t hesitate to contact us at granit@palingranit.fi
Caption: A quarried granite block is sprinkled with water to enhance its color to make possible imperfection visible.
Working with nature
Granite is an environmentally friendly natural building material. It is a readymade product, maintenance free, unique and cost effective. The life cycle of granite is eternal and it has innumerable uses. Palin Granit studies and evaluates the impact of its operations on the environment and is constantly looking for new ways to make better and more efficient use of the excavated stone.
Granite quarrying is governed by the Land Extraction Act and requires an environmental permit. Palin Granit complies with the requirements set forth by authorities and continually monitors the development of Finland’s environmental legislation. We ensure the license conditions and environmental codes in our daily operations and use the best environmental practices in our production.
One of the most visible environmental effects of quarrying is the alteration of the landscape. The change can be lessened through landscape mitigation. In the final stages of operation, the area is cleaned up and saplings are planted in places where reforestation has not already naturally begun. The quarry is usually filled with surface water and rainwater, and can then be used as a freshwater reservoir or recreation area.
Sustainable development and efficiency in the use of our material
When granite is done right, its extraction is a planned and precise process. However, the excavation of granite always creates some leftover stone. This leftover stone does not fulfill the high quality demands we have set for our granite blocks. However, leftover stone itself is a pure raw material, which can be utilised in various ways for instance in roads, breakwater constructions and other environmental construction. We are continuously conducting studies on the potential, profitable uses of leftover stone
and are actively looking for partners with whom we can further work on this leftover stone.
Quarrying, like other industrial operations, produces waste through use of machines and other materials. We sort our waste, recycle as much as possible and deliver it to the proper processing locations.